I installed the game and completed it in few hours. There were some very interesting puzzles, some very easy, some tricky, some buggy and some with many solutions. If you want to solve them yourself do not continue reading. If you found a bug and the solution seems impossible, it might be the case or you didn’t think the correct way. There is the option to use help or get the solution by loosing some points. If you don’t want to loose the points you can cheat by finding the solution here. The explanation for each level solution is also added because of many requests. Enjoy!

Puzzle 1 Answer: 4

Explanation: 2+2 = 4

Puzzle 2 Answer: 13

Explanation: From left to right and from top to bottom numbers are increased by 2

Puzzle 3 Answer: 2

Explanation: It is the chemical formula for water, H2O. The missing part from the formula is the answer

Puzzle 4 Answer: 9

Explanation: The sum of every row is the square of the row number. It goes 1^2=1, 2^2=4 (2+2), 3^2=9 (2+4+3), 4^2=16 (1+1+5+?). In order to have 16 as result, the missing number is 9

Puzzle 5 Answer: 7

Explanation: The multiplication of the top numbers gives the result at the bottom. 4×7=28, 9×6=54 and ?x8=56

Puzzle 6 Answer: 42

Explanation: The multiplication of the numbers in diagonal (top right and bottom left) give the result in the square

Puzzle 7 Answer: 8

Explanation: Multiplication and division have priority. 2+2+2+(2*2/2) = 8

Puzzle 8 Answer: 23

Explanation: The difference between the numbers is increased by one. 3 (+2) 5 (+3) 8 (+4) 12 (+5) 17 (+6) 23

Puzzle 9 Answer: 2

Explanation: The sum of every group is 10

Puzzle 10 Answer: 8

Explanation: The number of lines in the shapes

Puzzle 11 Answer: 9

Explanation: The sum of numbers of each column 3+7=10, 8+4=12, -2+5=3, 8+1=9

Puzzle 12 Answer: 14

Explanation: The number of all the squares in the shape (each small, each medium 2×2 and large 3×3)

Puzzle 13 Answer: 31&26

Explanation: From fourth row: 4A=32 then A=8. From first row 3D+A=29, 3D=21, D=7. From first column 2: 2B+A+D=31, 2B=16, B=8. So second column 2A+B+D=31.  From third column (or fourth): 2A+C+D=28, C=5. So third row, 2B+2C=26

Puzzle 14 Answer: S

Explanation: The icon is a compass and the unknown is the south so S

Puzzle 15 Answer: 35

Explanation: Each time we subtract a number smaller by 2. 143 – 23 = 120 – 21 = 99 – 19 = 80 – 17 = 63 – 15 = 48 – 11 = 35

Puzzle 16 Answer: o2

Explanation: The element is Oxygen and its chemical formula is O2

Puzzle 17 Answer: 21

Explanation: The sum of every tetris shape is 30. 7+2+?(21) = 30

Puzzle 18 Answer: 6

Explanation: The number of lines in the shape

Puzzle 19 Answer: 11

Explanation: The sum of every colored triangle is 29. 12+8+9=11+9+9=13+5+?(11)=29

Puzzle 20 Answer: 18

Explanation: Check the numbers of first and third row and the numbers from second and fourth row. From first to third it is by one bigger and from second to fourth it is by one smaller

Puzzle 21 Answer: 88

Explanation: Here we have the numbers from 1 to 9 with their mirror. The missing number is 8 and its mirror is 8 so 88

Puzzle 22 Answer: O

Explanation: Each number represents the position of the letter in the alphabet. 2 is B, 4 is D and 15 is O

Puzzle 23 Answer: 25

Explanation: The number in the triangle is the result you get if you multiply the numbers of the base corners of the triangle and subtract the number in the top corner. 6×5-2=28, 7×2-9=5, 3×2-3=3, 9×3-2=25

Puzzle 24 Answer: 2

Explanation: (1) 2P+0=14, (2) 2N+M=20, (3) O+M+P=12, (4) P+M+N=18. (3+4) O+2P+2M+N=30, replacing O+2P=14 from (1) remains 2M+N=16, using (2) we find N=8. Replacing N in (2) we find M=4. Replacing M and N in (4) we find P=6. Using what we found in any other equation, for example (1), we find the answer, O=2

Puzzle 25 Answer: 9 1/2

Explanation: If we skip one number at a time we see that there are two sequences. 10, 8 1/2, 7, 5 1/2 and 2, 4 1/2, 7, ?. The first sequence is the previous number minus 1 1/2 and the second sequence is the previous number plus 2 1/2

Puzzle 26 Answer: 4

Explanation: The number in third row in the sum of the numbers in first and second row, simple addition

Puzzle 27 Answer: 2

Explanation: There are two rectangles and one circle. The number represents the number of shapes that area is included to

Puzzle 28 Answer: 11:45

Explanation: This can have multiple answers but the one the creator of the game had in mind is this. The time passes from left to right and top to bottom and every time the difference in time is double than the previous time. 3:00 +1:15 4:15 +2:30 6:45 +5:00 11:45

Puzzle 29 Answer: 13

Explanation: You apply the operators one by one until the equality sign. The result should be the same number that you start with. 13-9=4, 4*5=20, 20:2=10, 10-4=6, 6+12=18, 18:3=6, 6+7=13. Replacing the number 13 with x and having the operators sequential and not with priority you can find the answer. [([(x – 9) * 5/2] – 4 + 12) / 3] + 7 = x. Solving this you find x=13


Puzzle 30 Answer: 39

Explanation: (row 1) 3 triangles + 1 square = 33, (row 4) 3 squares + 1 triangle = 27. (row 1+row 4) 4 triangles + 4 squares = 60, triangle + square = 15. (column 4) square + triangle + 2 circles = 20, from our findings 2 circles = 6, circle = 3. (column 2) 2 x + triangle + square = 63, 2 x = 48, x = 24. (column 1) triangle + square + circle + square = 24, 15 + 3 + square = 24, square = 6. We have everything to solve row 2

Puzzle 31 Answer: 33

Explanation: The result is the sum of the vertical numbers minus the ones on the sides. 7+9+5-3-6=12, 6+4+8-9-2=7, 8+11+17-2-1=33

Puzzle 32 Answer: 15

Explanation: One of the numbers in each columns is the sum of the other numbers. In the last column none of the numbers shown is big enough to be the sum, we add them and we find the answer 6+6+3=15

Puzzle 33 Answer: 12

Explanation: The result is the sum of the position of the letters in the alphabet but reversed. L=12, N=14, 12+14=26, reverse 62. G=7, R=18, 7+18=25, reverse 52. T=20, A=1, 20+1=21, reversed 12

Puzzle 34 Answer: 3

Explanation: The number in the box is the product of the numbers of top of the box minus the product of the numbers at the bottom. 6*3-4*2=10=X. 5*3-1*9=6=VI. 9*x-2*8=XI=11, 9x=27, x=3

Puzzle 35 Answer: M

Explanation: The difference between the opposite numbers is 11. A-L, D-O, C-N, B-M

Puzzle 36 Answer: 12

Explanation: The result is the sum of the numbers inside the circle minus the sum of the numbers outside the circle. 8+6+7+3-3-6-8-3=24-20=4, 4+5+10+8-6-1-7-8=27-22=5, 8+5+3+6-7-2-5-1=22-15=7, 8+10+11+2-4-8-5-2=31-19=12

Puzzle 37 Answer: 15

Explanation: To be easier to show the equation lets put some letters to the shapes. Bold circle is A, filled circle is B and normal circle is C. (1) 3B + A = 23, (2) 3A + B = 13, 2C + A + B = 17. If we add (1) and (2) we have 4A + 4B = 36 so A+B=9. Replacing that on (3) it gives us 2C=8 so C=4. (2) is 2A + (A + B) = 13, 2A=4, A=2. That means also that B=7. Last one is 2A+B+C=2*2+7+4=15

Puzzle 38 Answer: 44

Explanation: Each number is the sum of the previous three numbers (if any). 1, 1+0+0=1, 1+1+0=2, 2+1+1=4, 4+2+1=7, 7+4+2=13, 13+7+4=24, 24+13+7=44

Puzzle 39 Answer: S

Explanation: If you replace the letters with numbers, the position of each letter in alphabet it will be easier. The sum of the opposite numbers is the letter inside. C+J=3+10=13=M. In the last shape, F+M=6+13=19=S.

Puzzle 40 Answer: 246

Explanation: Multiply the first number of the left box with the first number in the right box, this is the left part of the answer. The same applies with the second part, the right numbers. 26 and 49, 2*4 and 6*9, 8 and 54, 854. 19 and 33, 1*3 and 9*3, 3 and 27, 327. 42 and 63, 4*6 and 2*3, 24 and 6, 246.

Puzzle 41 Answer: 62

Explanation: The answer is the sum of the numbers, reversed. 3+7+4+9+5=28, 82. 1+9+8+2+3=23, 32. 9+3+5+6+8=31, 13. 3+8+4+7+4=26, 62.

Puzzle 42 Answer: K

Explanation: Again, replacing the letters with numbers, their position in the alphabet makes it easier. The answer is the average of the letters that are left and right. In the first example we have G and C, 7 and 3, average is 5,  E. Second example, K and E, 11 and 5, average is 8, H. In the last one we have 0 and G, 15 and 7, average is 11, K.

Puzzle 43 Answer: 1612

Explanation: Replacing the letters with their position in the alphabet gives us the number on their right. AK, 1 11, 111. CW, 3 23, 323. IT, 9 20, 920. PL 16 12, 1612.

Puzzle 44 Answer: 2

Explanation: The 3rd and 5th lines are identical, so 2.

Puzzle 45 Answer: 3

Explanation: The sum of all the numbers is 30. 27 + ? = 30, answer is 3.

Puzzle 46 Answer: 200

Explanation: Each clock has a missing part. In first clock, it is a quarter (1/4) and so the number. 588/4 = 147. The next clock has 3 quarters missing and 356*3/4 = 267. In the last clock, we have 5/8 missing and 320*5/8 = 200, the answer.

Puzzle 47 Answer: K

Explanation: The opposite letters have the same difference, 11 which is the letter in the center, K.

Puzzle 48 Answer: 33

Explanation: The number in the center is the average of the numbers in the corners. (36+41+49)/3=126/3=42, (34+28+61)/3=123/3=41, (45+33+21)/3=99/3=33.

Puzzle 49 Answer: 10

Explanation: The sum of every big triangle is 30. D+J+P = 4+10+16 = 30. The same applies to the other triangle, 7+13+x=30, x=10. When I was trying to solve this, I saw a pattern that applies to the puzzle but it is not what the author had in mind. Every step (clockwise) increases by 3. D (4), 7, J (10), 13, P (16) so the logical answer to that pattern is 19.

Puzzle 50 Answer: 10

Explanation: The number of top + the number on the left – the number at the bottom. 6+7-8=5, 8+2-4=6, 9+7-6=10.

Puzzle 51 Answer: 7

Explanation: The answer is the product of the numbers in the circle minus the sum of the numbers in the triangle. 9*8*4 = 288, 288-271 = 17 = 4+6+x, x = 7.

Puzzle 52 Answer: 12

Explanation: Subtracting the number of the corners of the inner shape from the ones of the outer shape and then multiplying by 2 gives us the answer. (10-4)*2 = 12, (8-3)*2 = 10, (6-0)*2 = 12.

Puzzle 53 Answer: 3

Explanation: The answer is the number of straight lines minus the numbers of curved lines. O = 1 curved, K = 3 straight, A = 3 straight, Y = 3 straight. F = 3 straight, I = 1 straight, V = 2 straight, E = 4 straight. A L S O = 3 + 2 – 1 – 1 = 3.

Puzzle 54 Answer: HA

Explanation: Replace the letters with numbers, their position in the alphabet. 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, ??. It is the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in their power of 2. The next is 9, in power of 2 is 81 and replacing 8 and 1 with letters gives us the answer, HA.

Puzzle 55 Answer: 74

Explanation: The sum of the numbers in the bottom gives the number above multiplied by 3. 50+58 = 108, 108/3 = 36. 34+47 = 81, 81/3 = 27. 41*3 = 123, 123 – 49 = 74.

Puzzle 56 Answer: 89

Explanation: The sequence starts from 1 and goes clockwise. 1, 3, 8, 19, 42, ?. The difference between the numbers is doubled every time plus 1. 2, then 5 (2*2 + 1), then 11 (2*5 + 1) and so on. 1 (+2) 3 (+5) 8 (+11) 19 (+23) 42 (+47) 89.

Puzzle 57 Answer: 15

Explanation: The product of the numbers in the base triangle is the number in the top of the opposite triangle multiplied by 2. 6 * 9 = 54, 54 / 2 = 27. 10 * 3 = 30, 30 / 2 = 15. 5 * 6 = 30, 30 / 2 = 15 (the answer).

Puzzle 58 Answer: Y

Explanation: All the letters on top of each triangle form a word, all the letters on the left form another word and all the letters on the right form another word. The word from letters on the left of each triangle is LOGO, the word from the right is QUIZ and the word from the top letters is PLAY. PLAY LOGO QUIZ. The missing letter is the Y.

Puzzle 59 Answer: 50

Explanation: The difference between the letters multiplied by 2. A to K, 1 to 11, 20 (2*10). K to T, 11 to 20, 18 (2*9). G to T, 7 to 20, 26 (2*13). A to Z, 1 to 26, 50 (2*25). The 32 is wrong, it should have been 38, G to Z, 7 to 27, 19 * 2 = 38.

Puzzle 60 Answer: 27

Explanation: The sum of the digits (not the numbers) in every box gives the answer. 13, 11, 9 is 1+3+1+1+9 = 15. 21, 6, 18 is 2+1+6+1+8 = 18. 17, 29, 8 is 1+7+2+9+8 = 27.

Cryptex Challenge – Best IQ test – Android app – Solutions

31 thoughts on “Cryptex Challenge – Best IQ test – Android app – Solutions

  • January 15, 2016 at 22:57

    Hi, I can’t pass level 25, doesn’t get answers 9&12

  • January 25, 2016 at 09:12

    Can you explain problem 55. I know the answer is 74 but how did you get 74 please explain

  • January 25, 2016 at 18:44

    If you add the numbers in the bottom you will see that the result is the number above multiplied by 3

  • January 26, 2016 at 15:53

    Nice. Ok got it. Hint is a bit confusing: the number at the top equals 1/2 of the result .

  • February 9, 2016 at 13:16

    Frustrating that some problems have multiple answers and at least one seems wrong altogether. Level 52: subtract the sides and double, so surely (6-1)*2=10 not the actual answer. Also 55 in theory could have multiple answers. The sum divided by the average is 3 for both given examples but it is not for the missing number. There’s other examples where multiple answers can apply with good reasons, but you get docked points if you don’t get the exact reason sought after.

  • February 11, 2016 at 19:50

    I agree with you, I don’t remember the levels but I remember finding answers and losing points because they weren’t the ones defined by the game developer.

  • February 20, 2016 at 11:26

    Hi, could you please explain problem no.25? How did you get 9 1/2?

  • February 21, 2016 at 22:46

    Check the numbers skipping one.
    10, 8 1/2, 7, 5 1/2
    2, 4 1/2, 7, ?
    The first sequence is the previous number minus 1 1/2
    The second sequence is the previous number plus 2 1/2

  • March 1, 2016 at 00:03

    Whats the theory behing level 29? Answer is 13??

  • March 1, 2016 at 08:12

    You apply the operators one by one until the equality sign. The result should be the same number that you start with.

  • May 31, 2016 at 16:48

    why 25 = 9 1/2 ????

  • June 15, 2016 at 17:42


    May I ask the solution for number 46?

    Thank You!

  • June 16, 2016 at 06:14

    Each clock has a missing part. In first clock, it is a quarter (1/4) and so the number. 588/4 = 147. The next clock has 3 quarters missing and 356*3/4 = 267. In the last clock, we have 5/8 missing and 320*5/8 = 200, the answer.

  • June 20, 2016 at 17:05


    May I ask the solution for number 17?

    Thank you so much!

  • August 5, 2016 at 23:52

    I think puzzle 39 is wrong the sum of the numbers is 22 and u is 21 in the alphabet so doesnt add up properly

  • August 18, 2016 at 22:06

    I get many requests to explain the answer of each level so I decided to modify the post. Instead of having just the answer I will add also the explanation for each puzzle. This will take few days so be patient.

  • August 29, 2016 at 20:51

    The explanation for the Beginner, Normal and Superior levels are posted. The explanation for Master levels is coming soon.

  • September 20, 2016 at 18:33

    Explanation is added for the remaining levels. Every level of Cryptex Challenge has now an answer and an explanation.

  • May 10, 2018 at 14:54

    Hi, I have a problem that in question 44, I have another explanation: Instead of “The 3rd and 5th lines are identical, so 2.”, I have a better explanation: “The sum of each 4 small squares is 15, 3+1+9+?=15, so answer is 2”
    Question 50: If you explan like that, I have a question “What about the number of the right? Delete?” So, I explain like this: “(The number at the top × the number at the bottom – the number on the left × the number on the right) ÷ 4: (6×8-7×4)÷4=5; (8×4-2×4)÷4=5; (9×6-7×2)÷4=10.
    This is my edit. If you feel like i am right, edit your explanation.(That tells you to check mine). Sorry for writing late because I found and install the app late.

  • May 21, 2018 at 19:55

    I’ve uninstalled the game but your comments seem valid, thank you for your input

  • January 23, 2020 at 08:38

    Thanks so much for the explanations
    In Puzzle 24
    could you please explain to me how you concluded that N=8 from those two equations

  • January 23, 2020 at 09:07

    [([(x – 9) * 5/2] – 4 + 12) / 3] + 7 = x
    could you please explain it to me?
    Puzzle 29

  • February 17, 2020 at 16:59

    Hi Mona, I didn’t check my blog for a while.
    2N+M=20, this means M=20-2N. Now by using this in the next equation 2M+N=16, 2(20-2N)+N=16, 40-4N+N=16, 3N=24, N=8 and M=4.

  • February 17, 2020 at 17:14

    We apply the operations clockwise (first is x-9), use the result in the next operator ([x-9]*5) and so on. After completing the circle you will end up in the provided equation. Solving it, gives us the answer.

  • March 30, 2020 at 13:08

    Thanks a lot

  • February 8, 2022 at 08:08

    Hola, ya sé que la respuesta del acertijo 29 es 13… Leí tus explicaciones y según entiendo para resolverlo tienes que hacer una ecuación, que sería: ((((((X-9)*5)÷2)-4)+12)÷3)+7=X
    Si me pudiera decir los pasos para resolver dicha ecuación estaría muy agradecido. O dónde podría encontrar la respuesta por pasos… Gracias de antemano

  • February 17, 2022 at 07:23


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