There are many different type of scams that people are trying to exploit others to make profit. This is no different in the crypto world, especially now with the hype of the bull run. ASICWay is one of them and it is not difficult at all to identify this scam. There are several obvious facts that if someone did only a little research would identify very easily. Since some people that got involved in crypto, especially the ones joined recently, are not familiar with technical terms and technologies, it is easy to fall for some scams. First of all, the most obvious was
Bitcoin to the Moon – Literally

At the end of 2021, in November BitMEX and Astrobotic will place a hardware wallet containing 1 BTC to the moon. It was announced at Bitcoin 2021 Conference in Miami. This means that Bitcoin will literally go to the moon.
GemCraft Frostborn Wrath – Achievement Gem Codes and Mods
This is a hidden feature in the game that it blocks several achievements and many have difficulty understanding how it works. In this post we will make it crystal clear how you can unlock the mods by using the codes in the achievements. Codes is a series of 5 gems of different grade shown in some achievements like below, we will mention later the entire list of them. Also, note that the gem codes are randomly generated so you will have to do the combinations yourself.
Find the sum of the digits in a number – C# Method
This was one of the first exercises we received during my first year of programming. I was asked about it in an interview years ago and I also found it as a programming challenge in a website. For a given number, for example 723, find the sum of its digits. In our example is 7+2+3 which is 12. To my surprise, not everyone is able to find an elegant solution. I saw many trying to convert it to string and then loop though the characters etc. Here we will provide an elegant solution based on math and how integer division is working in most programming languages, including C#.
Check if number is Prime – C# Method
Prime number or Prime is a number greater than 1 that can be divided only by 1 and itself. In other words, it can’t be formed by multiplying two other numbers. The first ten prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 and 29. 2 is the only even number that is prime. There are several ways to check for prime numbers and in some cases a brute force algorithm might not be a problem. If the system has restrictions or you are trying to solve a programming challenge with time restrictions then you need an algorithm that can find the answer fast. The method provided is simple and fast and used in many programming challenges with time restrictions.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) – C# Method
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) or Lowest Common Multiple of two integers is the smallest integer that is divisible by both numbers. The method that is provided in this post uses the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD). This one line method calculates the LCM by leveraging the GCD, the code of the GCD method is provided in the GCD post.
Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) – C# Method
I’ve decided to create a post series with methods I found useful, especially when solving programming challenges. The first one is how to calculate the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of two numbers. GCD is the largest number that divides both numbers without a reminder. We follow the Euclidean algorithm which is very simple and fast.
Middle Earth – Shadow of War – Save Game location and how to backup and restore
Shadow of War is a very nice game that I enjoyed very much. Yet another game though that save game got corrupted and lost my progress. This is happening to almost all the latest games that I played and it is very frustrating. In this post I will show you where you can find the save game, back it up and restore it when corruption happens or when you want to revert to a previous one. Also, you will find some of my save games I was backing up while I was playing the game. This way if it happened and lost your progress without a backup, you can use one of mine.
Links are restored
A plugin caused almost all links to the files to be not accessible. Plugin was upgraded but all posts that had links needed to be updated too so it took a lot of time and effort to restore all links but it is now done. If you find any link that is not working please let me know through comments
SegWit will soon be activated on Bitcoin too
Segregated Witness, also known as SegWit, has locked in on Bitcoin it will be activated soon. This happened after many months of debates on how to scale Bitcoin and after the hard fork by some miners. SegWit will change Bitcoin in many ways. I will mention the most important ones. The blocks will store the same information in a lighter form, this will allow more transactions to be stored in a block and that means faster validation and shorter waiting times assuming the transaction number stays the same. SegWit also fixes transaction malleability which was one of the largest issues of Bitcoin since the very start. Finally, it allows the implementation of Lightning networks, networks that process transactions offline, off-chain. This will remove some of the heavy transaction load from Bitcoin.