A Saudi hacker called OxOmar claims that he can not be found. After some Israeli hackers exposed credit card details, which were invalid, he responded by publishing 200 valid credit card details daily. He described those Israeli hackers as idiots and he sent a message to agencies that they can not find him. Being confident, he even described the method he uses to hack. The method is simple but yet very effective. He creates a website using a browser based exploit and then he mails a URL having the exploit page as a hidden iFrame and infects many computers with his bot. The bot is written by xOmar in C++ from scratch. In addition to other bots he putted an encoded SOCK5 protocol. He can see all live bots – infected PCs that are online – from an administration server and connect to them. Before the hack he connects to several bots usually two to four based on the time he has. He connects to a bot, then though that bot to another bot and so on until he decides to attack and the trace links to the final bot. He is confident because ISPs do not store details of connections on the ports he is using and because of his complicated hand-made method. He is sure about his method and he sent a message that they can not find him and stop waisting their time.

xOmar can not be found