I’ve created many posts to let the readers know which web browser is the best and most, if not all, of the times was Firefox. According to IT Pro, Firefox is still the best web browser out there and Mozilla made many changes since the last time. The comparison was done one month ago so it is up to date. I want to mention that the differences between the browsers are not big and it is a matter of preference. The main reason of my choice (Firefox) is the enhanced security and privacy, it proved it to me many times. Internet Explorer and Chrome auto accept any kind of certificate where Firefox doesn’t. Another reason is its add-ons, mostly because I hate ads so I want to block them. Google circumvented AdBlock Plus, one of the most popular ad blockers, to allow ads. The big plus of Firefox is that it is developed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization, and they have the user as priority and not the shareholders.