Anonymous has announced that they will attack facebook on November 5th. The new operation by Anonymous is called “Operation Facebook” or FacebookOp and their press release is on YouTube. You can see the video here. Their inspiration is the movie
Earth has a ring too

Earth has a ring too. It is not as cool as the ring of Saturn, it is not even visible, but it is there. A doughnut-shaped ring of antiprotons surrounds the earth. Earth’s magnetic field traps the antimatter particles. Scientists estimate that they will use antiprotons as a fuel to rockets and spacecrafts in the future
Foxconn will replace people with robots
Foxconn, a technology group in Taiwan will replace (a lot of) people with robots. Foxconn is known for assembling Apple’s iPhones and iPads in China. A report says that they will use 1.000.000 robots in the next three years. The
Fear of the Hack
Recent attacks from LulzSec and Anonymous spread fear to almost any company with data available online. Microsoft anounced a security competition for defensive approaches to support computer security and will invest $260.000 in cash prices. The prices are for the
IQ and web browsers are related
IQ and web browsers are related according to a study. Researches gave to web surfers a free IQ test and recorded the results and the data of their web browsers. The results show that the users that use Internet Explorer
Google: Servers and electricity consumption
Google is going to have a million servers soon. The company has approximately 900.000 servers, at least this is the number estimated based on the electricity consumption. Despite the large number, it seems that Google’s data centers have a share
Hackers can unlock car doors via SMS
You think that technology can keep you save and keep thiefs away, but unfortunetely, this is not the case. Hackers can unlock car doors via SMS. This is called ‘War Texting’. Everything that is made by 0s and 1s can
Apple laptops can be easily hacked
Apple laptops are vulnerable to a hack that can kill or corrupt their buttery. The week point in security is the chip that controls the battery. The batteries were shipped with default passwords and a hacker can easily gain access
Google search now warns for virus infection
Google started warning the virus infected PC visitors when visiting their search. If you visit Google and you are infected with virus, a warning message will apppear saying “Your computer appears to be infected”. Read more here.
Google+ and female membership
You think that Google+ is boy’s club? You are wrong. The number of female members is growing very fast and the male/female ratio is shrinking. Learn more here.