Mutillidae is a free and open source web application which can be used by security experts who want to use their penetration testing tools and hack a website. Mutillidae can be installed on any computer with a web server. You can easily install a web server on your personal computer by using XAMPP which installs a web server (Apache), a database (MySQL) and several other tools. Mutillidae has several vulnerabilities and hints which makes hacking very easy. It can be used by security experts who want to test their penetration testing applications, by students who learn about web application security and in general by any security enthusiast who wants to learn the vulnerabilities of a web application and how hackers exploit them to gain access. You can visit SourceForge website to see the full list of Mutillidae’s features and download it.
Firefox is still the king
When we have new versions of web browsers Tom’s Hardware is performing a new Web Browser Grand Prix. At the end of February (21th) the WBGP 9 took place and for another time Firefox is the winner. You can find previous grand prix victories of Firefox in Firefox is the best web browser and Firefox is still the best web browser posts. Mozilla is keeping its web browser to the top with continuous improvements in both performance and security. You can visit Tom’s Hardware website to see the details on how they compare the web browsers but believe me, they test almost anything. Tests include loading times, CSS, Java, JavaScript, HTML5, Flash performance, memory management and many more.
Command and Conquer in HTML 5
I was a big fan of Command and Conquer for a long time. I was playing Red Alert for hours in both single player and multiplayer. I was just informed that someone is recreating the game in HTML 5 and JavaScript and I couldn’t resist on trying it. It is a single map with one simple mission but it is a very good start. There are also few very obvious bugs but they are working to improve it. It is very convenient to have a game in HTML 5 since you are not required to install the game on your computer and you can play (and continue) from any computer. The only requirement is that you must have a compatible web browser and internet connection. I played the game with Firefox 9 with no problems and I highly recommend it.
Firefox is still the best web browser
Three months ago we have announced that Firefox 7 was the best web browser. Now three months and two versions later we would like to inform you that Firefox is still the king. Firefox is now on version 9 and in a recent comparison by Tom’s hardware Firefox was found to be the best for windows among the top web browsers. The test as previous ones is testing web browsers in Javascript, Java, Silverlight, memory and Flash performance. All browsers are tested on loading times for single and multiple tabs and HTML 5 compatibility and performance. They are also tested for hardware acceleration, page load reliability and standards. There is also a test for WebGL and almost everything you can imagine and you want your web browser to be good at.
Send free SMS with JaxtrSMS
I was looking for a program to send free SMS but all I was finding was to send free text messages within the app such as WhatsApp. They require both sender and receiver to have the app and be online which is not what I wanted. Then after some digging I found JaxtrSMS which allows you to send free SMS to anyone even if he doesn’t have the app. The other benefit is that as sender you declare your phone number and receiver knows that you are the sender. Other apps show a strange number even from another country. JaxtrSMS is available for almost any mobile OS including iOS, Android and Symbian. You can find more and download it from the source link, it is completely free.
Ultra PDF Merger v1.3.10 has been released

Ultra PDF Merger is a freeware PDF utility that joins your PDF files, or part of them, together. It is a windows application and it runs on both 32bit and 64bit systems. Ultra PDF Merger is portable which means you don’t have to install anything, just download it, extract its content and run it. In this way you can put it in your USB drive and use it anywhere. There are two changes in this version. The most important is that you can choose the pages you want to merge by choosing the starting and the ending page. The second change is that the check for two or more files has been removed. You now have the option to “merge” only one file.
Ultra PDF Merger v1.0 – Bind your PDF files together
Few months ago I had some reports (PDF files) that I wanted to bind them into one. I had a utility that until that time was merging my files successfully, I don’t want to name it here. Those reports seemed to have some characters that the utility could not read and it was failing. I have searched the internet and I have found several PDF binders, mergers and joiners but the ones I tried didn’t meet my needs, so I have decided to create one. The result of this story is the Ultra PDF Merger. It succeed when others have failed.
Android apps on Windows platform

Bluestacks app player can run Android apps on Windows platform. It is in alpha version but it looks very nice and it runs Android apps very fast in full screen mode. It comes with 10 preloaded apps and you can add up to 26 more. This means that you can have your favorite Android apps to your PC and play your favorite Android games like angry birds and alchemy without worrying about your battery. This is good for both windows users and Android app developers.
Firefox 7 – The best web browser of today

Tom’s Hardware perform a test called “Web Browser Grand Prix” every time there are new releases of web browsers. In this test, the top five web browsers (FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari) are tested in almost any aspect that we can think of. The test includes startup times (one tab and eight tabs) and page loading times of most popular pages (Sample: Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, Amazon, Ebay, Yahoo, craiglist and The Huffington Post). They are also tested for their HTML5 hardware acceleration, WebGL performance, Java, Javascript, memory management and efficiency and more.
Priv3 – Protect your privacy

A large percentage of websites have social network buttons and you probably used them. Every time you visit a website that has “Like”, “Follow” or “+1” buttons, even if you don’t use them, the social networks sites can track you. Facebook is (or was?) tracking you even after you log out. What this means? It means that social networks sites know what sites you are visiting and “learn” your interests. I don’t know about you but I don’t like that and I like my privacy. If you think that this is not a big deal then you are wrong. They track you on every website you visit that has the social network buttons, even if that website is illegal.