I installed this game 2 days ago and I completed it in few hours. There were some very interesting puzzles, some very easy, some tricky, some buggy and some with many solutions. If you want to solve them yourself do not continue reading. If you found a bug and the solution seems impossible, it might be the case or you didn’t think the correct way. There is the option to use help or get the solution by loosing some points. If you don’t want to loose the points you can cheat by finding the solution here. Enjoy!
SSE – Solid State Electrolytes for long lasting batteries
So far we’ve heard about Solid State Drives (SSD) which are much faster than normal drives. Now, researches are looking for Solid State Electrolytes (SSE) which will help us have batteries that will last much longer. Today’s batteries are based on Liquid-State Electrolytes and they have their limitations. Researches from MIT and Samsung have developed a new material which can be used in future batteries to increase their storage, their life and make them safer. I would love to have a battery that lasts for a week (at least) with a single charge.
R.I.P Steve Jobs
Maybe I should have picked better title since R.I.P in category funny doesn’t make much sense. The following video made me laugh out loud, I don’t mean I wrote LOL in the comments, I actually laughed. After this video I watched all the Bill Burr’s standup shows and he is on the top of my list with comedians. In that list is also Louis C.K and Kevin Hart. Watch the video, it shows Bill Burr explaining why he is not a fan of Steve Jobs.
How to crash Skype
This post is not for technical gurus and hackers, everyone with a Skype can crash it. By sending a simple message the application crashes badly for both the sender and the receiver and it needs re-installation. This bug affects some new versions of Skype. The message is not a massive amount of characters but a simple short message. If you want to try it, send “http://:” and voila! I would never believe that such a bug exists in such a popular application for so long time. I believe Microsoft developers will try to blame the initial software developers that wrote the legacy code!
Microsoft Edge – The new web browser
Microsoft Edge is the new web browser by Microsoft. It will replace Internet Explorer in the new operating system, Windows 10. Microsoft Edge was known as project Spartan and Microsoft announced that they were paying thousands of dollars to the hackers that can find vulnerabilities to its new web browser. We all know that Internet Explorer is not good enough, lets hope that the new web browser will be as good as Firefox. It is designed to be basic and minimalistic and it will be shipped on all Windows 10 devices.
Ultra Grayscale Converter

A friend of mine started photography as a hobby and there were several occasions where he wanted to convert an image to grayscale. It looks that this process was taking him a long time, usually because results were not satisfactory and he was trying several algorithms and tweaks. We were discussing about it and he told me that it would be nice if he had an application to convert his images to grayscale using several algorithms at once and choose the one he prefers. This is exactly what Ultra Grayscale Converter is doing, it converts the image of your choice using 8 different algorithms, present all of the results with the original image in the center for fast comparison and saves your selection into the format you prefer.
NSA and CIA are watching porn
No, I am not kidding, and you are reading it correctly. Agents from both NSA and CIA are tasked to watch videos including porn. The reason behind this is simple, Al-Qaeda and ISIS (Islamic State) send coded messages to their followers using pornography, reddit, twitter and any other way or social media suits their needs. Israeli Intelligence Agency noticed those messages terrorists are sending using images and videos with the technique called steganography. Steganography is the art/method to hide a message/file in another message/file. For example a shopping list that can contain a secret message, an image that can contain another file or image and so on. The advantage of steganography versus cryptography is that the message is publicly available to everyone and it doesn’t attract attention. I will show you a real example at the end of the article. Back to our news, CIA and NSA are watching nude photos and porn videos to find those message. Of course, terrorists are also using cryptography, advanced cryptography to avoid (delay as far as possible) decryption even with NSA supercomputers. Those nude pictures agents are watching all day long is not only from known terrorists but from everyone, they have surveillance programs were they capture almost anything so think twice the next time you will take a nude picture of your… self.
Apple shares your voice with 3rd parties
Apple is one of the worst companies when it comes to user privacy. They share everything, including your voice. You think that talking to Siri is personal and safe but it is not. The company admitted that they share audio collected by Siri to 3rd party companies (yes, more than one) and they do it for at least two years. Even if you trust Apple with your privacy, I can’t even imagine what you asked Siri about, can you really trust every 3rd party company and their employees? I don’t think so. If you believe that whatever you said to Siri isn’t confidential then think also about every email or sms you sent by using your voice (speech-to-text).
Led zeppelin cover by kids
Kids from Louisville Leopard Percussionists, a non-profit organization, learn music and gain proficiency to an instrument. In the following video you can see the children playing Led Zeppelin. When I came across this video, it made me smile. I was part of an orchestra when I was at school but we never played songs that cool. In addition, kids have memorized the entire song, at least I haven’t noticed any papers/screens which makes it even more impressive. Nice choice and keep rocking!
Theme changed
After few recommendations, theme is finally changed to a child theme of Spacious. It is very light and responsive which makes it ideal for mobile devices. Also, I have decided to go with a dark theme this time. Slider with the applications is removed but I will add them as links to the sidebar by the end of the day. Website is tested also by Google bots and they found it mobile friendly. If you have any comments on how it can be improved let me know. Enjoy the refreshed website.