Few days ago the Pakistani hacker ‘X-Nerd’ (x-nerd@live.com) hacked several domains and added a new file in their root called ‘x.php’. Few sites that are still having this file while I am writing this post are:

  • http://aeciecuador.org/x.php
  • http://clipartbackgrounds.net/x.php
  • http://ieducationaltoys.com/x.php
  • http://vectorpanic.net/x.php
  • and many more

This time X-Nerd hacked Panda Security Pakistan. A company that offers security has been hacked, this is not a good promotion for their products. The site contains the following message:

“OoooOOPss…I am ShockeD At YouR SecuritY..S3cuR!tY L3vEL Z3r0…YOu Dont KnoW HOw To SecurRe Your AsS n Pr0vidinG SEcurity to 0therS…Big LauGh…”

For those who can’t read it, I will “translate” it for you:

“Oops…I am shocked at your security… security level zero… You don’t know how to secure your ass and providing security to others… big laugh…”

Companies and organizations should take security more seriously as their reputation can be damaged by such attacks.

X-Nerd strikes again