There are many fake rumors for Anonymous operations. One of the first ones was the attack on Facebook on November 5 2011 and then again another fake Facebook rumor. As we said before, there are several reasons why someone spread fake rumors about Anonymous. This time they say that Anonymous will take down the internet for hours or days at the end of March. Anonymous accounts on Twitter say that this is not the case, they don’t plan to attack dns servers and take down the internet. An many of them say, they don’t see the point on attacking to their greatest weapon. Anonymous see the internet as a weapon, as a tool to fight for their rights. Many bloggers and journalists spread the rumors before even check by themselves the validity of the news they learn. It is a very sad thing but this is internet, you should not believe anything you read.
Anonymous targets Greek government websites

After the website of the Greek Justice Ministry being hacked by Anonymous, they targeted almost all Greek government websites. The reason is to support people-powered uprising in Athens. They have taken down the websites of Greek Prime Minister, the National Police, the Ministry of Finance, the Greek Parliament, the Minister of finance Evangelos Venizelos (personal site) and some more. Anonymous try to support the Greek people that react to the measures of their government to avoid national bankruptcy. Greeks appreciated Anonymous actions and they felt that they are not fighting alone.
Your heartbeat as a password
Scientists are trying to identify us with as many ways as possible. So far, they have used fingerprints, footprints, eyes, voice, walking patterns and DNA that I can remember right now. Apparently those ways are not enough, they are now trying to identify us using our heartbeat. Each heartbeat is unique, it follows an irregular pattern that is repeated. A unique key can be generated based on that pattern which can be used to encrypt binary data. This will help us to encrypt our data without the need to remember passwords but there are many disadvantages. First of all, you can’t change the key, once someone successfully find it then he can access your data and you can’t do anything about it. Secondly, if you have an arrhythmia or problems with your heart you will not be able to access your data because the pattern will probably change. I want to believe that I am not the only one that thought about those problems and scientists will take them into consideration when creating the key. This is very interesting and we will see how they will use those patterns in the near future.
Iran has blocked external HTTPS websites
Few weeks ago, Iran moved most of its government websites to local servers in order to be safer to cyber attacks. Now, they have blocked access to external websites that use HTTPS protocol. For example citizens couldn’t access Hotmail, Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo! Mail and websites of Banks that use HTTPS. On the other hand citizens can access websites that use HTTPS but are hosted in Iran. We currently don’t know the reason and some believe that is linked to the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Others believe that it has to do with the Iran’s nation-wide state-sponsored Intranet that would be up and running soon. It was announced by Republic News Agency and this might be a leverage to force its citizens to use it. Iran is taking censorship to the next level.
Google Wallet is vulnerable
Recently researches found at least two vulnerabilities of Google Wallet. The previous one requires the phone to be rooted and a brute force decryption of a file which is for hackers. The new one has none of those requirements, it is very easy and it is demonstrated in the video at the end of this post. It is very easy, the only thing you need to do is go into Google Wallet application settings menu and press the button to clear the data. The next time you will open the app it will ask you to set a new pin. After setting the new pin and adding the Google prepaid card you have full access to the funds. As you see, no rooting and no external app are used, just resetting the Google Wallet. Try not to loose your phone and be very careful to whom you giving it to as he requires only about 2 minutes to access Google Wallet.
Father kills because of Facebook
There are some old posts about internet and reality and how adding friends in Facebook can hurt you. This story has to do with both articles but it is a little bit different. The story goes like this, a couple adds a woman as a Facebook friend, after a while the couple deletes the woman from their Facebook friends, woman’s dad get angry and kills the couple. I have deleted many people from Facebook, in some cases because I didn’t really know them and in some cases just because. Some people take meaningless things very seriously. Remove a human life because of unfriending your daughter in Facebook? Does this make any sense to anyone? Murderer’s daughter was harassing the couple after unfriending her from Facebook and they complained to police. They had also a 8-month-old baby which is fortunately safe. That baby will not meet its parents because someone shot them to death for the worst reason in the world.
Even presidents use weak passwords
The email account of Syrian president was hacked by Anonymous along with other accounts on mail server of the Syrian Ministry of Presidential Affairs. The password of 33 accounts including the Syrian president’s one was 12345. Of course, very easy to remember but very easy to be hacked or guessed. 12345 is the second weakest password after 123 and almost half of the accounts on that mail server they were using it. Even if it was the default password nobody cared enough to change it. Hundreds of emails leaked and that could be prevented by a stronger password. Hackers gained access to 78 email accounts and the damage from leaked emails is very big. The lesson here is that you should use stronger passwords if you don’t want your emails fall into wrong hands.
University of Washington’s database was leaked
University of Washington has been hacked once again and their database was leaked. This time they were hacked by N0B0DY and N0LIFE. You can see the information they published on pastebin. You can see the users and WordPress users with their (encrypted) passwords and emails. Once again, hackers used SQL injection to gain access to university’s database. There are more than one vulnerable links that hackers can use to gain access to their database. It is very easy to prevent such attacks and there are more than one ways to do it. If you are too lazy to change your code at least validate the input values. The best way to do this is by using stored procedures and pass the values as parameters instead of building the command string to be executed. It is the most common vulnerability, we have seen hundreds hacks exploding SQL injection and yet there are many websites still vulnerable and just waiting to be hacked.
BTJunkie was shut down permanently
BTJunkie, one of the largest torrent indexes, was shut down permanently. This has nothing to do with law enforcement (directly), they just decided to shut down. The owner of BTJunkie said that the decision was based on the legal actions against the other file-sharing websites, MegaUpload and The Pirate Bay. BTjunkie was never a direct target but when you see others, bigger than you, falling down it makes you fear that your time will come. BTjunkie had millions of visitors every month and those millions must find an alternative. BTJunkie (2005-2012) is now history.
Samsung new funny commercial
I have seen several Samsung commercials but this one is the funniest. It was shown during the Super Bowl to introduce Galaxy Note and of course make fun of Apple. During Super Bowl several technology ads are shown and most of them are very funny and it is the reason some people are watching it. The surprise in the face of Apple fanboys when they see the Galaxy Note is amazing. I also enjoyed the song in the ad, it is I Believe In A Thing Called Love by The Darkness. Galaxy Notes are falling to the hands of Apple fanboys while they are waiting for the next big thing and it frees them from the line. Some thing that this was immature by Samsung but I think those are very serious and they can’t enjoy the humor between companies. When I see people get angry with commercials like this one makes me curious about the reason, if you are not the CEO of the company or you don’t have shares then why are you getting angry?