There are rumors that Bill Gates will return to Microsoft. The chance of doing that is very small as he likes the work he is doing is his foundation. There is no doubt that his return will help Microsoft and make it stronger but it is not doing bad as it is. He admitted that his future lies on his foundation where he is working full-time. He donated billions and he helped a lot of people and this is more important than anything. He is still a part of Microsoft as chairman and part-time involvement. In my opinion, he will return to Microsoft only if he thinks that the company he founded is in the wrong path and will collapse.
Apple to acquire Anobit for about $500 million
Apple wants to buy Anobit, an Israeli Flash Memory Company and the price of this acquisition is between $400 and $500 million. Anobit is producing flash memory with Memory Signal Processing (MSP) technology which increase the performance and the endurance of the memory while reducing the cost. Apple wants that technology for their products such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. Apple is not buying companies like crazy like Google does and this shows that Anobit will help Apple to make better products. Anobit was founded in 2006 and last August it shipped 20 million MSP-powered MSP20xx embedded flash controllers. Those controllers are used in smartphones and tablet computers and they boost memory performance. Anobit is apparently a great company, being so young and having only about 200 employees and at the same time being so successful, it is a great choice for Apple.
Read Newton papers online
Cambridge University Library has one of the largest collections of the work of Isaac Newton. His work, notebooks and manuscripts are available online at Cambridge Digital Library for anyone interested to read. Digital library has more than 4000 pages of Newton material and more thousands will be uploaded in the next few months. In the Newton collection you can find Principia and ‘Waste Book’. After Newton, Cambridge will add to its digital library other great works like Charles Darwin’s. Scientists will be pleased to hear this because they have the opportunity to read the work of great minds and important people that changed the world with their findings.
Bill Gates and China to the new generation of nuclear reactors
Terrapower, a company founded by Bill Gates is discussing with China for a new design of nuclear reactors. The fourth generation nuclear reactors research will cost about one billion dollars over five years, that’s an one followed by nine zeros. The plan is to produce less nuclear waste, be safer and cheaper. Terrapower also talked to other nuclear nations, India and Russia, for the new design which is called traveling wave reactor. The reactors will be disaster proof, they will be designed to be resistant to natural disasters like tidal waves and earthquakes. We all want to avoid another incident similar to what happened to Japan. What will come first then, the fourth generation of nuclear reactors or the cloned woolly mammoth?
Greek Hacking Scene Hacked Coca-Cola Norway Website
Coca-Cola Norway website has been hacked by Greek Hacking Scene (GHS). This was the first attack of the operation Greek Hacking Scene vs Corruption and it was executed by the hacker called Napsterakos. Internal links of the website were defaced and they were replaced by the message of Napsterakos “when the future is based on lies, then everyone is corrupted…”. Coca-Cola added strong security to that website long before the attack but it was apparently not enough to prevent the attack. We will wait to see the next target of the Greek Hacking Scene.
AlpHaNiX defaced Google, Gmail, Youtube, Yahoo and Apple
Hacker AlpHaNiX defaced Google, Gmail, Microsoft, Hotmail, Youtube, Samsung, Yahoo and Apple domains of Democratic Republic of Congo by using DNS cache poisoning. He altered the Domain Name System (DNS) records which show to which IP a website points to and instead of pointing to the original servers they were pointing to hacker’s IP. With this way when a user was trying to visit for example, instead of seeing Google’s page he was seeing hacker’s page with the message that the website was hacked by AlpHaNiX (Haxored by AlpHaNiX). We see the domain names of the biggest IT companies poisoned and understand that security in more fragile than we used to think.
Google search now draws graphs
There are many Google funny things and Easter eggs, some of them are described in the Funny Google Stuff article. Google has also useful stuff like the calculator which can calculate almost any equation. For example you can search for 3+5*5-2 and gives you 26 as a result (3 + (5 * 5) – 2 = 26) before the search results. Also you can convert currency, for example I searched for 200 usd to eur and it gave me as a result 200 U.S. dollars = 148.776315 Euros. This is a very fast and easy way to calculate things. But Google does not stop, it continues to add functionality and now it shows graphs.
Yeti Crabs grow their food

In the deep waters of Costa Rica you can find Yeti Crabs, crabs that grow their own food. I read this post after another post about economy today and how difficult is for most of the people and it was like those post were linked together. With this economy, crabs are forced to grow their own food to survive. Kiwa hirsuta was the first Yeti crab discovered in 2005. Yeti crabs have hairy claws and are covered with bacteria which is their main source of food. They wave their claws like dancing to farm the bacteria because with this action they provide additional nutrients to bacteria. Usually Yeti crabs are found in areas with methane and hydrogen sulfide because their bacteria grow on those environments.
Bombs from the past
Two active bombs from World War 2 were found in Germany. German bomb squads defused both of them successfully after the evacuation of the city of Koblenz that they were found at. About 45000 people, half population of the city, were moved to safe locations for the diffusion. The big one is an air mine and it had the power to destroy the entire city and the smaller one is a high-density explosive bomb. Bombs were dropped by American and British warplanes during the World War II about 65 years ago. There was a third device, a fog generator, which was destroyed with a controlled detonation. Bomb diffusion is a common task in Germany as there are many missing bombs that appear occasionally and need to be disposed.
Cloned woolly mammoth

Most of us enjoy watching dinosaurs on the screen and one of the reasons is the fact that they are extinct. There are many species that are extinct but my second favorite extinct animal is mammoth. If you like mammoths then you should read this because you may soon see a live one. Scientists found a thigh bone in Siberia having a well-preserver bone marrow of mammuthus primigenius, also known as woolly mammoth. Now scientists believe that they can create a clone of the mammoth within five years. This will be possible by replacing the nuclei of an elephant’s egg cells with the mammoth’s as elephants and mammoths are closed relatives.