Walking hurts anonymity

Barefoot Footprints

As we all know, we can be identified by nearly anything. There is face recognition, voice recognition, fingerprints, DNA, all sorts of biometrics and now they want to add footprints as well. Footprints are as good as fingerprints for identification but it is not only that. The way bare foot hits and leaves the ground while walking creates foot-pressure patterns and those patterns can be used to reveal your identity

Registry Decoder

Registry Decoder

If you use windows then you should know that almost everything you do is recorded. Most of the information can be found on windows registry. It has a list with last accessed files, a list with the last programs run, all installed programs, USB activity, user accounts, last visited URLs, a list of the programs that run when the operating system starts and more. With Registry Decoder you can see all that information, it provides acquisition, analysis, and reporting of registry contents

New Category Created

Hacker Glider

I am starting a new category called “Challenges”. In this category I will post some challenges (Yes, I know that it is obvious!) that I have found on the Internet in the past few years and some new (I hope). I have solved most of them and I enjoyed it a lot. Some people do not appreciate the solving process and how much you can gain from it. The more difficult the problem the more satisfaction you get. It is not only about the satisfaction but I have learned several things while solving them and most of them were very valuable