Israeli hackers are in a war with Saudi Arabian hackers and both parties increase their attacks. Israeli hackers published some credit card details but according to a Saudi Arabian hacker called OxOmar those credit card details were invalid and he called them idiots. After that he published valid Israeli credit card details as retaliations. In the past few days we have seen an escalation of hacking attacks and yesterday Israeli hackers stroked back by taking offline Saudi Arabian and United Arab Emirates stock exchange sites and called Saudi Arabian hackers lamers. The access to both stock exchange sites was restored but Haaretz confirmed that the sites were down. The war is far from end and we will see more attacks in the following days. There are some serious players/hackers in both sites and Israeli hackers warned that they will move to the next level if SA hackers continue to attack by taking down stock exchange sites for weeks or months.

Source: [TNW]

Israeli hackers strike back