How Google got caught

Google paid a $500 million settlement to U.S government for showing ads from illegal online pharmacies. The reason is that Google was showing those ads in their knowledge and U.G government proved that with the help of a con artist. David Whitaker, the con artist sent by the government, appeared to Google sales executives as an agent for (illegal) online drug dealers. He spent about $200.000 (government’s money) in paid ads for selling illegal drugs. The website he created was very obvious to Google that it was not a licensed pharmacy but they accepted it (in order to make money). You can read the full story in the source link. Google now in not the Google we knew back then and they no longer follow their do no evil policy.

Clever phishing for Google accounts

Clever phishing for Google accounts

Hackers found a way to successfully phishing Google users. They create a web page which looks exactly as the Google’s login page. This web page is not on Google so in order to appear as Google they use Google’s translation service and they put the URL that is returned by the translation. That URL starts with and it is psychological manipulation. Some users think that the site is the original and they insert their credentials without second though. Hackers find more clever ways to gain what they want and users must be more careful with their personal details.

Another fake rumor that Anonymous is going to attack Facebook

This is not the first time we hear that Anonymous will attack Facebook but, just like the previous operation that was fake, this one is fake too. There are several reasons why someone spreads rumors for that. First of all, they get a lot of attention and thousand views on youtube which in most times means money. The second reason is that by telling that Anonymous will attack Facebook and nothing happens reduces the credibility of Anonymous. I have added the video for some of you that might want to watch it anyway but according to Anonymous on Twitter this attack will not happen and it is just another fake. Don’t get me wrong, some people may try to attack Facebook but it has thousands of servers and if Anonymous and their thousands of followers don’t participate do not expect to see Facebook down.

FileSonic disabled file sharing feature

Some of you have noticed that Ultra PDF Merger alternative links have been removed. The reason is that the files were hosted in FileSonic and the feature of file sharing is now disabled. It was a big file sharing site and now it is just another website for storage. It seems that the fact that MegaUpload was shut down scared other sharing sites or the feds are going after all of them. If this trend continues, the Internet will suffer. The Internet was created to share knowledge and files and they try to limit or block these features. Some people are very narrow minded and they don’t see the big picture. FileSonic is not the only one that limited its features and if that continues most of them will. I will not buy another music album or DVD unless the media companies stop attacking file sharing websites.

Someone tried to hack the website

Someone tried to hack the website but, since we follow several steps to secure a WordPress blog, the attacker failed. If you combine a strong password with the limit of login attempts then brute force attack is almost impossible. I don’t see the point on hacking a blog like this one but nice try. Such attacks make me happy because if you don’t have enemies then you are doing it wrong and you are not successful if you don’t have enemies. Maybe now that SOPA is on hold they try to find other targets to attack. For the hackers, even though the website is tracking any login attempt, I will not use it. Feel free to continue your tries to hack the blog and if you succeed tell me the security hole and system vulnerabilities so I can secure it even more.

Anonymous retaliation

Anonymous retaliation

Anonymous strikes MPAA, Universal Music Group, RIAA, BMI, DoJ and many more as retaliations for the Megaupload take down. A new operation #OpMegaupload is on and hackers from all over the world show their anger against the shut down of the biggest file sharing network. Megaupload and Megavideo had a respective percentage of internet traffic and it is a huge loss for file sharing. Hackers try to coordinate their attacks against the ones responsible for Megaupload and they take down their websites mostly with DDoS attacks. Now almost every company that makes music, movies or T.V is a target. This is the first time I see so massive attacks and coordination among the hacking community. This move made many people angry and they will not stop until they see some justice. On the other hands, media companies report that the take down of their website is a minor thing regarding what they achieved with Megaupload case. Twitter is on fire about the operation #OpMegaupload.

Find about SOPA and PIPA

You probably see every day, at least once, the SOPA and how angry every internet user is about it. For those of you that you don’t have time to learn more about it or you don’t want to read now you can be informed by watching a ten minute video. It explains what Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) are and why they are bad for internet. You can easily see what these censorship regulations are all about and how they can affect you. Even if you think that SOPA and PIPA are not affecting you personally, you should be informed because they affect everyone that uses internet. And don’t believe that thay can’t shut down websites and they need such regulations to do it because it is a lie. Megaupload was shut down by US officials for violating piracy laws.

Facebook: Filter news feed

If you don’t like the fact that your news feed is fool of junk news about people you barely know or people who are very active and they are flooding your news feed you can change it. In fact there are many ways to do it and this post will show you three of them without the need to unfriend anyone. First of all, the most time-consuming method is to create a new list, add the ones that are annoying and make that list of people not visible to your news feed. I don’t have time for this method but there are several people that they are doing this. The second method and my favorite is to move the mouse on the new, click the right upper corner that appears and select the only important option. This method will hide the annoying news from that friend but you will still be able to view important changes about that person. Finally, the last method is to unsubscribe from that friend. You can find the option the same way as before, but if you choose this you will not see any news from that person.

Virus found on JAXA’s data terminal

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) have discovered a computer virus on one of their data terminals. They believe that the virus gathered sensitive information. They are investigating on how the specific computer was infected. Information about the unmanned vessel H-2 Transfer Vehicle and its operations are believed to be compromised. In addition, the attacker that put the virus there knew the login credentials of the employee who was working on that terminal. The virus was found on Jan 6 2011 but the same terminal was also infected on Aug 2011. The only sure thing is that JAXA will increase the security to prevent malware infections in the future.

Israeli hackers strike back

Israeli hackers are in a war with Saudi Arabian hackers and both parties increase their attacks. Israeli hackers published some credit card details but according to a Saudi Arabian hacker called OxOmar those credit card details were invalid and he called them idiots. After that he published valid Israeli credit card details as retaliations. In the past few days we have seen an escalation of hacking attacks and yesterday Israeli hackers stroked back by taking offline Saudi Arabian and United Arab Emirates stock exchange sites and called Saudi Arabian hackers lamers. The access to both stock exchange sites was restored but Haaretz confirmed that the sites were down. The war is far from end and we will see more attacks in the following days. There are some serious players/hackers in both sites and Israeli hackers warned that they will move to the next level if SA hackers continue to attack by taking down stock exchange sites for weeks or months.