Francis Bacon’s Cipher or Baconian Cipher is strictly speaking a steganographic code and not a true cipher. To encode your message with Baconian cipher you replace each letter of your original text with a group of five ‘A’s and ‘B’s. There are two versions of the Baconian alphabet, in the first version the letters ‘I’ and ‘J’ have the same code and the same applies to ‘U’ and ‘V’. In the second version each letter has its own code.
Steps to Secure your WordPress Blog
WordPress is in my opinion the best choice for your blog. It is powerful and highly extensible. I have created a list of things that anyone can do to add layers of protection to his blog. Blogging means spending time to write and no one wants to see this time and effort wasted due to some hacker. In addition, it is not a good practice to be worrying all the time about hackers and system errors. This list will help you relax and forget about security and focus on writing.
How to remove WordPress version
Hackers plan their attack based on the information they have. A large portion of attacks is based on outdated versions of web server, Wordpress, themes, plugins and anything else they can exploit vulnerabilities found on old versions. Wordpress version is visible in any page and post. It is included in the header and anyone who visits your site/blog can see this information. It is wise to remove this information so hackers can’t find the version and plan their attack based on the vulnerabilities found on that version, especially if you don’t update Wordpress because you have made many changes to the code. There are many ways to remove Wordpress version if you search but not all of them remove the version successfully…
How to refresh the favicon manually
I have found that browsers refuse to refresh the favicon. With simple refresh (F5) I could understand the unwillingness because browsers tend to use cache for faster page loading. After forcing cache refresh (Ctrl+F5), I had the new content but not the favicon, that “very large” file. I didn’t want to clear my browser’s cache since I had “stuff” that I wanted. In order to change it manually, you have to refresh the file yourself. Insert the url address of the favicon you want to refresh into your browser, in most cases is http://domain/favicon and it will show you the icon, most probably the old one. Here we are, now…
Send huge files over the internet
We all have the need, from time to time, to send files over the Internet. Most of the times those files are small and we can send them as email attachments. However, some times we have the need to send something bigger, something huge and email is just not enough. There is the option to split the file to smaller ones, send the small ones and then the recipient join them and recreate the large one. As you can see this method is very painful and time-consuming, especially if there are easier ways out there. If you check you can find hundreds solutions with their pros and cons
Wi-Fi Security
Most of us have a network with the Wi-Fi enabled and this is happening for several reasons. Most of us hate the wires, we have too many and we don’t want more. Some others have a device, such as smart phone, where we can’t put an ethernet cable in it so there is no choice there. Having a Wi-Fi enabled network is very convenient but is it safe?
Internet and Reality
Do not think that you can say whatever you want online with no effect in your real life. There are several cases that prove that wrong. Recently a woman kicked out of a restaurant because she called the bartender a “twerp” on twitter. Another woman tried to hire a hitman over facebook to kill the father of her child
Alexa Widget And Alexa Ranking True Relation
There are many people who think that Alexa widget improves their websites to get higher Alexa rank. I am in the opposite group who believe that Alexa widgets make no difference. Some have tested it by having the widget for several days and then remove it for the same amount of days and they saw the same results for their websites
Digital Rights
All the electronic devices we own, especially our mobile phones and computers, have a huge amount of personal information about us and our family. Such data could be contact details, phone numbers and email accounts of friends and family, emails from the doctor, family photographs, Internet browsing history, employment agreement and many many more. We should protect that sensitive data from prying eyes. In those prying eyes we include the governments and we should protect ourselves from illegal police searches. We will analyze what is legal and what is not and what we should do if police wants to search our digital devices