M-emo-ry is a simple pair memory game where you match emotional emoticons. The purpose of the game is to find all (18) matching pairs. Even though the game is designed for small kids, it is suitable for all ages. We all need to exercise our memory in order to keep our brain highly active. It runs on any system that has .NET Framework 4, Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, on both 32bit and 64bit versions. M-emo-ry is freeware (you can use it for free) and portable (no installation needed).
Ultra PDF Merger passed 5000 downloads
The download counter of the latest version of Ultra PDF Merger is now larger than 5000. You can download the latest version of Ultra PDF Merger, which is 1.3.2, if you don’t already have. I want to thank all of you for choosing Ultra PDF Merger for your PDF needs and your comments are more than welcome. If you want additional features or you found a bug please feel free to contact me. The easiest way is to post a comment on any of the related posts or via contact form. I have also developed a very simple memory game while playing with WPF which will also be freeware like Ultra PDF Merger and it is coming soon. Even though everything I share with you here in michalisnicolaides.com is absolutely free (except the services) I would appreciate any donations that show your appreciation. I don’t like advertisement and I will try to never add ads to this website, especially not those flashy animated ones. Once again, thank you for your choice and support.
Theme is updated
We have updated the theme and some of the changes must be forced. If you don’t see any change or the interface looks buggy then force your browser to refresh the page. If you are using Windows press Ctrl + F5, if you are Mac then press Apple + R or command + R and finally, if you are using Linux press F5. This should work and after this you will be able to see the changes. We update the theme to make the website looks better for the users and provide them with a better browsing experience. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for visiting and supporting the website.
Someone tried to hack the website
Someone tried to hack the website but, since we follow several steps to secure a WordPress blog, the attacker failed. If you combine a strong password with the limit of login attempts then brute force attack is almost impossible. I don’t see the point on hacking a blog like this one but nice try. Such attacks make me happy because if you don’t have enemies then you are doing it wrong and you are not successful if you don’t have enemies. Maybe now that SOPA is on hold they try to find other targets to attack. For the hackers, even though the website is tracking any login attempt, I will not use it. Feel free to continue your tries to hack the blog and if you succeed tell me the security hole and system vulnerabilities so I can secure it even more.
Happy New Year
I wish all of you happy new year and 2012 to be a better year for you and your families. You are very welcome to send suggestions and comments on ways to improve the website for you. Also, you are welcome to tell which is your favorite category and what you want to see more when visiting michalisnicolaides.com. The website was created for you and I have removed all advertisement months ago. I will try to keep it that way in the next months. I will try to update the content daily, keep you informed and provide you with more freeware applications. Bookmark the site and come back for more. You can support the website by donating as much as you want or show your appreciation by sending a thank you via contact form.
Site belongs to the top million
This website keeps climbing the Alexa traffic rank and it is now on the top million websites in traffic. Today, Alexa global rank for MichalisNicolaides.com is 921,561. It started from over 20 million and within six months it is on the top million. The site’s Alexa rank for US traffic is 616,889 which is important because more than 20 percent of the visitors are coming from the US. The site has currently about four thousand unique visitors per month and the plan is to increase this number to at least five thousand per month within the first quarter of 2012.
Ultra PDF Merger v1.3.10 has been released
Ultra PDF Merger is a freeware PDF utility that joins your PDF files, or part of them, together. It is a windows application and it runs on both 32bit and 64bit systems. Ultra PDF Merger is portable which means you don’t have to install anything, just download it, extract its content and run it. In this way you can put it in your USB drive and use it anywhere. There are two changes in this version. The most important is that you can choose the pages you want to merge by choosing the starting and the ending page. The second change is that the check for two or more files has been removed. You now have the option to “merge” only one file.
We are a PR3 website now
If you have a blog or website then you are probably familiar with the term PageRank (PR). PageRank is an algorithm that analyzes the links of each website and generates a number which shows the importance of that website. It got its name from Google’s Larry Page who developed the algorithm when he was still at Stanford University. PageRank shows the website’s link popularity and its range is from 0 to 10. When you create a new website, it is a PR0 website because there are no links pointing to that website. If the number of the links that point to the website (also known as backlinks) grow, then the PR of the website will grow too.
Ultra PDF Merger v1.0 – Bind your PDF files together
Few months ago I had some reports (PDF files) that I wanted to bind them into one. I had a utility that until that time was merging my files successfully, I don’t want to name it here. Those reports seemed to have some characters that the utility could not read and it was failing. I have searched the internet and I have found several PDF binders, mergers and joiners but the ones I tried didn’t meet my needs, so I have decided to create one. The result of this story is the Ultra PDF Merger. It succeed when others have failed.
News feed for hacking is huge
Every day I read news about technology, science, gadgets, trends and local news but the category with the most news is hacking. Every day hundreds of websites are hacked, including few companies, and tens of hacking tools are created or new versions are released. You will not see all this here, I try to filter those for you and give you only the most important ones. For example if several websites are hacked, I will post only the one(s) that affected the most Internet users like i did with uTorrent. If some companies are hacked, I will post the one(s) with the highest reputation or the one that is specialized in security which is ironic