Clinical trials of HIV vaccine will start on January

Clinical trials of HIV vaccine will start on January

Canadian researchers have created a vaccine and they believe that it can prevent HIV. They will start clinical trials on humans in January as it is approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Researchers can’t be sure if the vaccine works before the trials but they are positive. Even if it is, it will take about five years for the vaccine to go on the market. The SAV001 vaccine uses dead HIV-1 virus and it is altered genetically to be non-pathogenic. The number of people with HIV at the end of 2010 was 34 million according to the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS. The number is increasing year by year and this vaccine gives hope in both HIV-positive and HIV-negative people.

IBM predicts the near future with 5 in 5

IBM predicts five innovations that can change the world within five years. The following five predictions can transform the aspects of our lives and make earth a smarter planet. This year predictions are people power will come to life, you will never need a password again, mind reading is no longer science fiction, the digital device will cease to exist and junk mail will become priority mail. Those five innovations are this year’s predictions from IBM. Some of their predictions come true, including two of the last year 5 in 5. The one that I vote for is the first one, people power will come to life. This one will help us gather energy from everywhere and will result in a much greener place to live.

Strange Gamer

I have seen very strange gamers but nothing like that. You see babies play games and you thing that is a remarkable thing but this will amaze you even more. It is a video of a Bearded Dragon playing Ant Smasher. She does not use her tiny fingers to play but her tongue. She is a very good gamer, once she starts smashing ants, she can’t stop. She just needs to learn the rules and we might have a new record. How do you feel if you get beaten by a beard dragon in a game? We might soon see them playing World of Warcraft or Call of Duty. Enjoy!

Tesla is the master of lightning

Nikola Tesla is in my opinion the greatest man ever lived. He had thoughts on how to capture free energy and not only that but also how to tranfer it around the world without the use of wires. His only mistake is that he shared his thoughts with the greedy capitalists and they stoped him. It was not really a mistake, it was the only way to realize his visions. He was a pioneer in modern electrical engineering. After watching the documentary look around and see in how many ways Tesla impacts our lives, how many devices are based on his inventions. Other made millions by using his inventions while he died penniless. Free energy was not the only vision he had, he designed a shield that can protect cities from attacks and many more. If we had more men like Nikola Tesla the world would be a better place.

Microsoft wants the death of Internet Explorer 6

Microsoft wants the death of Internet Explorer 6

There are hundreds of articles and blog posts that mention the obvious, Internet Explorer 6 is the least secure web browser. People, through ignorance or not understanding the risks, still using this old and insecure web browser to surf the Internet. Microsoft is aware of that and it tries to make people understand the risks of using the decade old browser and the need to upgrade their web browser. This is the last year that Microsoft allows its users to use IE6 and in January it will force them to update it. XP users will be updated to IE8 and Vista users to IE9. There is a website that shows the countdown of Internet Explorer 6 usage which is now about 8.3%. The purpose of that site is to watch IE6 usage drop to 1%.

Someone gave $1.6 million for Apple’s founding contract

The founding contract for Apple Computer were signed by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne on 1976. They signed the contract on April’s foolsday and I bet that at least one of you thought that they started this huge company as a prank. Apple’s contract was estimated to be sold for $150.000 at a Sotheby’s auction but everyone surprised when Eduardo Cisneros paid a total of $1.6 million to get that contract. The auction value is $1.3 million but if you add the taxes and auction house tags, the actual paid amount is $1.594.500. There are no many documents that can be valued that high, even that one was estimated much lower.

The life of Steve Jobs in an hour

Apple is one of the largest companies in the world and its founder, Steve Jobs, has passed away. This BBC documentary shows the life of Steve Jobs in an hour. The title of the documentary is “Steve Jobs – Billion Dollar Hippy”. No one could believe that a college dropout can manage to be a billionaire. Steve Wozniak, the co-founder of Apple, is telling stories of Apple and Steve Jobs. Some stories are very familiar to most of you but there are some stories you never heard. Some people think that Steve Jobs’ only company was Apple and this is not the truth, he also Founded NeXT and hi is the co-founder of Pixar Animation Studios. If you want to learn more about Steve Jobs and his life, you must see this BBC Documentary.

Rumors about the return of Bill Gates to Microsoft

There are rumors that Bill Gates will return to Microsoft. The chance of doing that is very small as he likes the work he is doing is his foundation. There is no doubt that his return will help Microsoft and make it stronger but it is not doing bad as it is. He admitted that his future lies on his foundation where he is working full-time. He donated billions and he helped a lot of people and this is more important than anything. He is still a part of Microsoft as chairman and part-time involvement. In my opinion, he will return to Microsoft only if he thinks that the company he founded is in the wrong path and will collapse.

Apple to acquire Anobit for about $500 million

Apple wants to buy Anobit, an Israeli Flash Memory Company and the price of this acquisition is between $400 and $500 million. Anobit is producing flash memory with Memory Signal Processing (MSP) technology which increase the performance and the endurance of the memory while reducing the cost. Apple wants that technology for their products such as iPhone, iPad and MacBook Air. Apple is not buying companies like crazy like Google does and this shows that Anobit will help Apple to make better products. Anobit was founded in 2006 and last August it shipped 20 million MSP-powered MSP20xx embedded flash controllers. Those controllers are used in smartphones and tablet computers and they boost memory performance. Anobit is apparently a great company, being so young and having only about 200 employees and at the same time being so successful, it is a great choice for Apple.

Read Newton papers online

Cambridge University Library has one of the largest collections of the work of Isaac Newton. His work, notebooks and manuscripts are available online at Cambridge Digital Library for anyone interested to read. Digital library has more than 4000 pages of Newton material and more thousands will be uploaded in the next few months. In the Newton collection you can find Principia and ‘Waste Book’. After Newton, Cambridge will add to its digital library other great works like Charles Darwin’s. Scientists will be pleased to hear this because they have the opportunity to read the work of great minds and important people that changed the world with their findings.