It appears that Microsoft will launch its own social network called Socl, although the name might change (again). A quick pick from the source, Socl looks like other social networks (Facebook and Google+) with a three column interface. It has video parties where you can share a video from YouTube with friend and chat about is. It is basically the same as Google+’s hangouts. Socl is based on HTML5 and there is neither Silverlight nor Flash which is a big plus if you ask me. Socl started as, and still is, a research project but it will most probaply be publicly available for testing purposes. Microsoft is grounded and they know that they might never get close to the number of users that Facebook has.
The lightest solid material

Scientists from the University of California have developed a new metallic “micro-lattice” material and they claim that it is the lightest solid material on earth. This “micro-lattice” material has a density of 0.9 mg/cm3. The number might not mean something to you but it means that is about 100 times lighter than Styrofoam. It is so light that if you put it on a dandelion it will not damage it at all (picture). It is basically 99.99 percent air and 0.01 percent nickel-phosphorous tubes that are interconnected. The material has a wall thickness of 100 nm, about 1000 times thinner than a human hair. This is very impressive, scientists still creating smaller, thinner and lighter materials but I think they are touching the limits.
How users can destroy internet companies
There are many companies that their operations, and most of their profit, are based on the Internet. Some of those Internet companies earn most of their money by advertising products and other companies. Examples of such Internet companies are Facebook and Google. Users have the power to destroy any Internet company they want. Most probably you can not do such thing alone but a large group or movement like Anonymous might can. This article is written because I found it interesting and I don’t support any actions that will intentionally harm a company. I will describe two methods that can hurt advertisers and ad-serving companies and websites, if done massively, advertisement blocking and intentional advertisement clicking.
Ultra PDF Merger v1.3.10 has been released

Ultra PDF Merger is a freeware PDF utility that joins your PDF files, or part of them, together. It is a windows application and it runs on both 32bit and 64bit systems. Ultra PDF Merger is portable which means you don’t have to install anything, just download it, extract its content and run it. In this way you can put it in your USB drive and use it anywhere. There are two changes in this version. The most important is that you can choose the pages you want to merge by choosing the starting and the ending page. The second change is that the check for two or more files has been removed. You now have the option to “merge” only one file.
Black Holes
Stars like humans and everything else die. When a huge star dies (supernova explosion) it does not disappear completely but a dense core remains. If the mass of that remaining core is at least three times more than the mass of our sun, gravity is the winner force, star collapses and a black hole is born. There are billions black holes in the universe and it is believed that they can be divided into two categories. “Stellar mass” black holes which are 10-25 as massive as the Sun and “Supermassive” black holes which are millions of times as massive as the sun. If the small ones have so strong gravitational field, then I can only imagine how strong is the gravitational field of the big ones, which are millions of times as massive as the small ones.
Anonymous: Operation Brotherhood Shutdown

Anonymous decided to take down the Muslim Brotherhood websites and they did. Anonymous hackers started their attacks and they will continue until Friday, November 18th 2011. They are attacking two websites, and The Brotherhood said that attacks were coming from France, Slovakia, Germany and San Francisco (U.S.A). Attacks started with a range of 2000-6000 hits per second and later the attack escalated to 380.000 hits per second. Anonymous announced that both sites were down.
Lab-Grown Blood in Our Veins

Scientists on Pierre and Marie Curie University grow red blood cells, lab-grown blood. They recently had their first successful transfusion into human’s veins. This is a huge step to science because in the future we will not have to worry about blood transfusion as we will have unlimited artificial blood to keep us alive. In addition, some kinds of artificial blood don’t need refrigeration to stay fresh and usable. This will be very helpful in remote areas and in case of a natural disaster. After a natural disaster, hospitals require an enormous amount of blood and artificial blood is a great solution. I am glad that scientists are finding new ways to keep us alive, this gives us hope for a better future.
How to calm your baby
Babies cry, it is an annoying fact. A baby cries for any reason. This reason can be food, boredom, cold, anything. The trick is to find that reason and make it calm. Some babies calm when you give them a toy, some others when you take them to the park, some of them if you put them in front of the T.V. Did you try music? It works on many babies, the only tricky part is to find the genre that your baby likes. They might like different type of music in different situations, like we do. I didn’t believe it when I watched the following video but then I tried it on my nephew. I couldn’t believe how effective this was. Please don’t put death metal or anything that is barely a music. I recommend something light like classic music, Muse, Dream Theater, R.E.M. and Pink Floyd. Leave a comment if that worked for you.
How many websites exist

We all surf the Internet to find what we want. We read the news, we see sport results, we download software, we learn new things, we watch funny videos, we are informed about new songs and movies and anything else we can think of. In order to do this we visit websites but how many are they? Are we talking about thousands, millions or more? Many people don’t think about it but some of us wonder. A friend of mine recently asked me about that, I didn’t know for sure and I guessed that they could be several millions. I am glad to say now that I was not wrong.
Really Fast Food
By reading the title your mind goes to a food that needs very little time to be cooked. This is not what this post is about. It is about fast food cooks and service which with many years of practice the repeating job can be executed really fast and with style. I have found this video on YouTube with fast food in India and I can tell you that now I know what fast food means. It shows several fast food places but in all of them there is speed and style. Enjoy the video and leave your comment. I review all the comments so it will not be posted until I approve it.