This is similar to the previous games I posted the solutions. The post is for the first 50 stages and not for the PRO version. I play the games on my Android device so I don’t know if there is the same on iOS and if it has the same levels.
The Stupid Test Solutions
I was playing this Android game, it was funny until it started crashing. It was crashing after 50-80 levels and it was either resetting the score or starting over. I reported 2-3 crashes but after a while I just uninstalled it, enough is enough. This post contains all the solutions for the levels I was able to play. Excuse some mistakes if it is not 100% accurate. I hope you will find this post helpful and I wish it doesn’t crashes on your device.
The Unbeatable IQ Test Solutions
I found some time during the holidays to play some games. One of them was the unbeatable IQ test. Some of the questions are logical, some others are tricky and some others have many solutions and you need to find the one the creator of the game wants as solution. Here you can find all the solutions. Let me know if you found this helpful or if you don’t understand how to pass a level.
Move away from Arvixe – Horrible support
I’ve been using Arvixe as hosting provider for more than a year and I had problems since day one. At first support was very good and they were responding fast. After few months, I saw all kind of errors, 404, 500, 503 and more. Support was delaying to answer and by then they couldn’t find the issues. A couple of months ago I had 2 tickets opened for almost a month without response. After this month I got an email, I was happy that finally someone will help me with my issues. The email was that they closed all tickets due to huge number and to open again if it is critical. Not helpful at all. The huge number of support tickets doesn’t make me feel better, but worse. It only means that it is not only me with problems but a lot of others.
Cryptex Challenge – Best IQ test – Android app – Solutions
I installed this game 2 days ago and I completed it in few hours. There were some very interesting puzzles, some very easy, some tricky, some buggy and some with many solutions. If you want to solve them yourself do not continue reading. If you found a bug and the solution seems impossible, it might be the case or you didn’t think the correct way. There is the option to use help or get the solution by loosing some points. If you don’t want to loose the points you can cheat by finding the solution here. Enjoy!
Ultra Grayscale Converter

A friend of mine started photography as a hobby and there were several occasions where he wanted to convert an image to grayscale. It looks that this process was taking him a long time, usually because results were not satisfactory and he was trying several algorithms and tweaks. We were discussing about it and he told me that it would be nice if he had an application to convert his images to grayscale using several algorithms at once and choose the one he prefers. This is exactly what Ultra Grayscale Converter is doing, it converts the image of your choice using 8 different algorithms, present all of the results with the original image in the center for fast comparison and saves your selection into the format you prefer.
NSA and CIA are watching porn
No, I am not kidding, and you are reading it correctly. Agents from both NSA and CIA are tasked to watch videos including porn. The reason behind this is simple, Al-Qaeda and ISIS (Islamic State) send coded messages to their followers using pornography, reddit, twitter and any other way or social media suits their needs. Israeli Intelligence Agency noticed those messages terrorists are sending using images and videos with the technique called steganography. Steganography is the art/method to hide a message/file in another message/file. For example a shopping list that can contain a secret message, an image that can contain another file or image and so on. The advantage of steganography versus cryptography is that the message is publicly available to everyone and it doesn’t attract attention. I will show you a real example at the end of the article. Back to our news, CIA and NSA are watching nude photos and porn videos to find those message. Of course, terrorists are also using cryptography, advanced cryptography to avoid (delay as far as possible) decryption even with NSA supercomputers. Those nude pictures agents are watching all day long is not only from known terrorists but from everyone, they have surveillance programs were they capture almost anything so think twice the next time you will take a nude picture of your… self.
Assassin’s Creed Unity – How to pass Bellec fight
First of all I want to mention that I like Assassin’s Creed series very much. I was very disappointed when the crashes started, the plethora of glitches and bugs on every corner of the game made me mad. One of the most annoying bugs was that I couldn’t pass the Bellec fight. I was pressing E button like a madman with no result. This specific problem exists even after patch 4 and not only on PC but on multiple platforms. It seems that there is a bug and key strokes are not synced well. After several attempts I decided to search online for a solution, it took me a while but I finally did.
Facts and Myths
I enjoy reading about strange facts but some times those facts are myths. For example recently I was reading some ‘mind blowing’ ‘facts’ and one of them was that elephants are the only mammal that can’t jump which is clearly untrue. There are several other mammals that can’t jump either. Hippos, rhinos and sloths are some of them. Elephants have at all times feet on the ground even when they run while hippos and rhinos don’t. They can have all four feet off the ground when they run.
Far Cry 4 Cheats: GodMode and Unlimited Ammo without trainer
Far Cry 4 is released and I started playing about a week ago. I searched for cheats and I didn’t find anything, maybe I didn’t spent that much time searching. Usually, I use the cheats to make the game funnier, like letting everyone surround me and throw a grenade on my feet. This time I was tired of pressing buttons to prevent animals from eating me! While searching I remembered that there was a magical file in Far Cry 3 that you can edit and have godmode and unlimited info so I did the same and it worked.